Don’t forget Joshua, sep’12, school is in full swing

After a few months on holiday, I’m back here in school. I’m also back writing these posts. My holidays weren’t particularly fruitful. However, they have helped me recharge and recuperate.

The highlights of the holidays were learning a full salsa choreography to perform. I performed three times in total. Once was in front of the president of Singapore.

I was working on a two websites during that time. One of which I have paused development in favor of the second one. Soon I’ll be able to report on that second websites progress as it comes out into the Beta stage. For now it’s still testing everything to make sure stuff isn’t broken. It’s true that to get what you sometimes have to do the things you don’t want to do and get your hands dirty in the nitty gritty tasks.

Of course I’m still a student. Specialising in Human Resource Management, a really interesting topic by the way. I chose HR in the first place because I knew it was interesting and relevant to entrepreneurship, but had never studied it before. Now that I am inside, there is a wealth of knowledge to claim. Managing people isn’t as simple and straightforward as people think. Just like how humans are not simple and straightforward.

Student life is great. I want to enjoy it while it lasts. Meeting new people, having fun at CCAs, and relaxing with friends. I think the take away here is to appreciate things in the moment.

Endure the bad times because they don’t last. Appreciate the good times because they don’t last either.

Let’s keep in touch! Do reply me and tell me how you are. Whatever you do, don’t forget me.